Heptacorde Model (Len Verrett) - please see the following web page link for an essay regarding this guitar:

1840 Lacote (Jimmy Westbrook):
1841 Lacote (Jimmy Westbrook) - note the original flush fingerboard still present in 1841:
Guitar by François René Lacote, Paris 1841.
Photos by: Sinier de Ridder
Body of maple, back flamed maple venered maple,
top of spruce,
neck and head of plain maple,
original machines, new knobs,
total length: 94 cm,
body length: 44.3 cm,
string length: 63 cm,
body width; top:23.6 cm, down: 30.8 cm,
length ribs; neck; 48mm, down: 84mm,
fingerboard width: 48 mm, 12th case: 59 mm.
Lacote, 1846
Photos by Musurgia - New York String Service, which had this instrument and several other high-end classicals and romantic guitars.
Guitar by François René Lacote, Paris 1829.
Photo by: Sinier de Ridder, auction from Interencheres in Vichy.
FFSI 1836 Lacote:
"Lacote" + "Brugère... Mirecourt" ca. 1850 Musical Instrument Collection of C.V.F., Canada
"Lacote ... A Paris, Année 1830." Musical Instrument Collection of C.V.F., Canada
Below: Lacôte photo from Crane web site, unknown source, Gary Southwell copy, Wolfgang Emmerich copy:
Crane Luthier: Lacote 1839
Example of Lacote locking wingnut tuners:

Lacote - Jerry Willard collection
The 1820 7-string shown left is from the Musee de la Musique - another example of the Coste-style 7-string guitar with the normal 6 strings plus an added drop D in the bass.
See the Multi-Bass Page for other examples of Lacotes with 7 and 10-strings.
Lacote 1823 (photo courtesy Sinier de Ridder):
Lacote 1823 (photo courtesy Bernhard Kresse):
Copies of Lacote by Bernhard Kresse

Lacote 1824, 1833, 1852 - Musee de la Musique

Lacote et Cie 1862 - RE Brune

From the collection of Carol van Feggelen.
Lacote 1839 from Brian Cohen, Soundpost. This guitar is in excellent original condition; the headstock shows the tuners which are enclosed and gears are on the underside, an improvement over today's designs because it conceals the ugly gear mechanism and protects the parts:

Lacote 1830, double-top from The Guitar Workshop, Belgium. This guitar is a showcase for several Lacote innovations. It shows the triangular bridge of some Lacotes, the headstock enscribed "Lacote a Paris", and the hole in the back with the double top. It features mechanical pegs with a gear assembly. Unfortunately the original owner damaged the instrument by using steel strings. The workmanship of the original is spectactular, though considerable restoration is required:
Below is an example of an 1830's Lacote with the triangular bridge (photo courtesy Sinier de Ridder):
1839 Exposition Medal cited on the label, but probably made a few years later:
1841 Lacote, beautiful Brazilian Rosewood back, sides, and neck:
Lacote 1834, (photo courtesy Sinier de Ridder), with the special Lacote head and tuners, Brazilian Rosewood back: